HPA conversion kit for WE.
The conversion kit is an ultra compact air valve system that replaces the function of a traditional green gas/CO2 magazine. While the functions are the same the valve of the kit has a completely different design than the valve of a gas magazine to allow maximum air flow for its size. The kit is composed of CNCmachined aluminum and brass. The valve of the kit is made entirely from machined brass for greater surface finish for smoother movement of the internal components while the rest is made of aluminum, for light weight.
Wear/oil resistant Viton o-rings are used for the valve seals even though the kit does not require lubricant when using HPA. The kit can be disassembled easily for cleaning/part replacement since it has very few parts. The brass valve can be separated from the aluminum structure by loosen a single screw, making servicing the valve extremely easy.
Recommended Pressure: 80-130PSI.
Open Bolt Only.
Some clients have been able to use the kit with Closed Bolt.
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